Get Involved!

Current Committee | Past Committee | Minutes | Get Involved!

DMC encourage all members to be actively involved in the running of the club

The committee consists of 7 officers elected at the AGM (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Meets Secretary, General Secretary, Membership Secretary & Social Secretary) and multiple appointed members as laid out in the constitution.

If you have any ideas or would like to get involved, please get in touch.

Committee Roles


  • Act as the “public face” of the club
  • Seek opportunities to stimulate positive awareness of the club and build relationships
  • Promote the ethos and values of the club
  • Chair committee meetings and raise important topics for discussion
  • Co-ordinate the committee as a whole to ensure important tasks ultimately get done
  • Ensure adherence to the club constitution

The President is therefore an important role, with significant responsibility. If you’re an organised kind of person and are enthusiastic about helping develop the club, maybe this could be you?

Vice President

  • Assist the President and take over Presidential duties if necessary
  • Be willing to take on and supervise tasks that need doing e.g. organisation of social events
  • Help out other committee members as required

The VP role is also important as it involves sharing Presidential responsibility. If you’re interested in the President role but aren’t quite sure, why not consider being VP?


  • Keep track of the club finances (bank account, online payments etc.)
  • Ensure payments are received for monthly meets, events or any other DMC activities
  • Administer yearly membership subscriptions and liaise with the membership secretary to ensure Mountaineering Scotland subscriptions are paid
  • Pay any bills (hut fees, MS fees, promotion, member expenses etc.)
  • Provide regular financial reports to the committee and advise what the club can afford!

This is a key role involving lots of interaction with people in the club.

Meets Secretary

Plan all of the multi-day trips:

  • book mountain huts in suitable locations for the time of year and potential activities,
  • advertise to the club by e-mail / facebook / in the pub,
  • help to co-ordinate transport and communal meal arrangements
  • Encourage members to plan their own day trips

If you’ve got any ideas about where you’d like to go with the club then this is the ideal role for you. Especially if you’re bagging Munros etc you get to choose convenient huts 😉

General Secretary

  • Take minutes from all meetings (including AGM and EGM)
  • Ensure all external queries (e.g. prospective member questions) are dealt with in a timely manner and by the appropriate person.
  • Responsible for the club website content (technical aspects can be delegated to others)

As with all committee positions, the General Secretary can also take on additional tasks or help out other committee members too.

Membership Secretary

  • Administer new club memberships requests, liasing with treasurer regarding payments and ensuring accurate membership records are maintained
  • Encourage new memberships by promoting benefits in person and online
  • Monitor meet attendance / online forum usage and encourage those who have already attended a guest meet to join the club
  • liaise with Mountaineering Scotland to add new members, update existing data and ensure appropriate fees are paid

Social Secretary

Organise and promote club social events, such as:-

  • Annual Gathering & AGM
  • Ceilidhs
  • Burns Night Dinner
  • Halloween party
  • Fireworks night
  • BBQs
  • etc

Promote and encourage attendance at weekly pub socials online and in-person

Appointed committee members

What would you like to bring to the club?

We invite members to get involved and make their own unique contributions, each bringing something different to the club. Some examples:

  • Activity reps (e.g. MTB, Climbing, Skiing etc.) – helping promote specific mountain sports in the club
  • Newsletter editor – producing the club’s quarterly newsletter
  • Webmaster – looking after the club website
  • Meet reports editor/coordinator – helping collate and publish meet reports on the website
  • Club promotion / marketing organiser – helping promote and advertise the club
  • Graphics / publicity materials designer – producing club graphics, logos and materials for the website and print

For example, Alex made a great contribution as “Newsletter editor”, whilst also organising lots of mountain biking trips and helping raise the profile of MTB within the club, as “MTB rep”. Here’s what he said about being Newsletter editor:

Newsletter editor is an interesting and varied role sourcing features and generating content for the publication. The club is growing all the time these days, and the newsletter is expanding proportionately, so it’s a great excuse to stay in touch with goings-on and help showcase how diverse an organisation we’re becoming. It’s handy to have an eye for grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as a good picture, and the ability to edit articles from different individuals to fit – and chase people for work sometimes. It’s a fun job that gets quite busy four times a year, but it’s very rewarding to see the final product!

However, don’t let the above examples limit you’re imagination if you want to bring something different to the club!

Interested? Get in touch