Annual Gathering and AGM (Mar 2016)

Friday 11th March 2016

The AGM was an absolutely fantastic night: great fun and superbly organised – great team work from the outgoing committee in setting it up. Allan did a super job of MCing the event and the official business was conducted efficiently and even enthusiastically! Bill’s video was a tour de force – an inspiration! Paul’s sideshow had me in fits (well I was the butt (ha ha) of the joke I suppose). And congratulations to Dave on his winning photo. Looking forward to Year 6!

Berenice (new President)

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New committee: President = Berenice, Vice = Paul, Meets = Mhairi, Membership = Jim, Sec = Allan, Social = Kirsten. Activity reps: Ski = Jon, Hike = Andrew, Bike = Kevin, Climb = Simon.