Blair Atholl (Jul 2017)

4th July 2017

We were expecting to leave the rain behind us the further north we
drove, and I had packed shorts and sun cream. Far too optimistic as it
turned out. The weather forecasters had got it wrong again! The ascent
of Carn Liath was very wet to start with, but although the sun refused
to shine the rain did stop, and we enjoyed the view from the top. Dried
out by now we continued on to the 2nd Munro – Braigh Coire
Chruinn-bhalgain, almost 100m higher than Carn Liath. The cloud was
still well down over Carn nan Gabhar so we gave Munro #3 a miss and
descended the south ridge of #2 to pick up the path back to the car.

  • Andy Murphy, accompanied by Corinne Furniss