Glen Etive (Mar 2023)

Monday 24 – Sunday 25 March 2023

We arrived in ‘dribs and drabs’ on Friday evening; the destination was Inhbirfhaolain Hut (a hairier experience for those driving in the dark along the ‘Glen Etive’ road!). The more dedicated amongst us had already been for a 18km run, to get the weekend started. The accommodation was on this ‘rustic’ side. A bunkhouse with communal sleeping – a cosy introduction to one another for sure! There was no running water but a lovely river nearby for collection instead.

The group split into two main camps on the Saturday – the ‘munroe-rs’ and the ‘nots’. The ‘munore-rs’ took on Ben Starav and Beinn nan Aighenan and Glas Bheinn Mhor (a couple more for the hardcore amongst us!). It was a more challenging day of walking – difficult ‘mushy’ ground made movement slow. A great effort was put in.

The ‘nots’ walked from Glencoe to Kinlochleven and back again along the West Highland Way, which begins at the ‘devils staircase’. The ‘nots’ had a more luxurious experience – cake, coffee and a spa at the end of the walk, at the Glencoe Inn.

We had a 16th birthday party to celebrate in the evening. After a vegetable curry, stewed apple and custard, we ALSO had a giant chocolate cake. There was the odd shot of lemoncello making it’s way around the table too.

After another night of shared-sleeping-bonding, we woke to ‘British Summer Time’. The sunshine was suitably shining. After a potter around the local area (and some artistic activity by some!) the majority of the group went to walk along the River Etive. We saw many deer en route and the braver amongst us stripped off for an impromptu dip in the sea loch…. and then again in the river on the way back! Meanwhile, Dominic went for a ‘casual run’ up Sgorr Bhan, Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr Dhonill. There’s something for everyone….

  • Report by Emily-May

Drawing by Yasmin