Legaston quarry (Aug 2013)

Thursday 29th August 2013

Thursday night saw a DMC trip to Legaston quarry. This used to be a favourite sports climbing venue before the development of Kirrie Hill, but probably isn’t visited as much these days. Mike and Ephraim made a couple of trips there earlier in the summer, but this was the first time there for a few people. Everyone found it noticably harder than Kirrie or the wall, but we all got up something. Ephraim was pleased to finally get Sweet Revenge (6a+) clean. Ephraim and I both got up Flight of the Mad Magician (6b) but with more in the way of flying (downwards) than magic. Simon made a spirited attempt on Between The Lines (5+) but didn’t get it clean. Dave and Beth both top-roped a few climbs. New to DMC Markus and Janis joined us from New Zealand and seemed to be climbing very well trying a few sport and trad routes. A great evening with no midges – result.

  • David Matthews

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