Friday 9 – Sunday 11 June 2023
Yasmin discovered how quickly things can happen in this club when a suggestion of scaling Ailsa Craig quickly turned into a camping meet by Loch Ken a moderate drive away from Girvan.
An afternoon start saw Niall and Simon visit the falls of Clyde and New lanark en route because why not? Before meeting Andrew and Berenice by the fire pit of the campsite, where we’d booked an 8 berth cabin for considerably less than 8 tents. With Yaskatdan arriving at sundown we discussed the early start required to make Girvan for half 8.
Despite setting alarms for half 6 squeeky bed springs and a bad decision saw everyone up and grumpy earlier than intended for breakfast and the drive up to the coast with grand plans of ice cream, beach bumming and maybe some more ice cream to follow the boat trip.
On arrival Niall sauntered down to find a nor-easter kicking up white horses and an apologetic skipper asking if we wanted to rebook or refund, plans scuppered.
As the bad news was relayed Iain arrived from a very early start in Dundee and quickly turned to his bagging list with some advice for the Merrick.
Yaskatdan set off like Charles LeClerk for Glen Trool while AnBeSiNi took the Kimi Raikonnen approach and stood scoffing ice cream in the sun before heading on.
The Merrick was suitably conquered with the aid of a strong stick and we returned to the cars in sweltering heat pleased with our achievements as many members of the DMC “buggered ankle club” (all injuries welcome) were present.
Southwards to Newton Stewart and more ice cream for BBQ supplies and then a dip in Loch Ken while the BBQ was prepared.
Suitably refreshed we gained unwanted extra refreshment as we huddled in the cabin from thunderstorms.

Iain had more hills to bag on Sunday while Andrew and Berenice went cycling. The rest of us decided it was a day to be in the water not on the water and plunged into the loch again for an hour or so before drying off.
With such a glorious West Coast afternoon looking much better than a rainy Dundee we set off for Ayr and yet more ice cream before heading home.
- Report by Niall