Braemar Christmas Meet (Dec 2024)

Friday 13 – Sunday 15 December 2024

It was a real pleasure to be back at Braemar Youth Hostel for our Christmas meet this year after a 9 year hiatus. 40 folk amassed over the weekend; a new record for the club.

A few of us managed activities on the Friday, and an early start on Saturday allowed the bagging of accessible Munros and the local Corbett, Morrone. One party took on an interesting Corbett top of Lochnagar on the Balmoral Estate whilst others did lower level walks in the locality.

The Christmas meal was a precision affair run by the Bowyer team and helpers – a big thank you to Jon, Hazel and the others involved. Santa made his usual appearance with Mrs Claus much to the delight of the youngsters along with a very potable gift of Welsh whisky from our Gwydyr friends.

Sunday required an early start in line with the hostelling hours with some folk off for a 5km before a general gathering for brunch in The Bothy Cafe in the village. I hope we return again soon for another December meet !

  • Report by Greg Cox