Trans-sidlaw Challenge

The  Trans-Sidlaw Challenge tests members’ navigation along with their all round cycling or fell running abilities in our local hill range.
Challengers are required to traverse the Sidlaws from the 1st Cattle grid on the Craigowl transmitter road, summiting Craigowl, Balkello and Auchterhouse hills before descending to the gate in the Balkello car park.

Waypoint Grid References

Start: NO 390 396
Summit Trig-Point of Craigowl Hill: NO 377 400
Summit View point on Balkello Hill: NO 363 395
Summit of Auchterhouse Hill: NO 354 397
Finish: NO 365 385

When the challenge runs

The challenge can be taken on at any time although we do aim to have a mass attempt every year.
To enter a time outwith a Mass challenge; submit a GPX trace file containing timing data to Niall (address available on the e-mail forum)

All Time Best times for challengers

AllanRun 36 min 21 sec
DanMTB40 min
DominicRun43 min
KevinRun45 min
PaulRun45 min
MarcRun46 min
NiallRun48 min
Andrew Run 48 min
MikeMTB49 min
AmyRun50 min
SuzyMTB53 min
TimRun53 min 29 sec
Berenice Run 58 min       
MhairiRun58 min
ScoobyRun60 min
NiallMTB1h 4 min
Simon MTB 1h 35 min 

The results of the 2016 Mass challenge were:

DominicRun 45 min
AmyRun 50 min
AndrewRun 48 min
BereniceRun58 min
EdRun59 min
KevinRun45 min
MarcRun46 min

The results of the 2015 Mass challenge were:

DominicRun 43m
Mhairi Run 58m
NiallRun 48m

The results of the 2014 Mass challenge were:

AllanRun 2 Weeks 
Andrew Run 59m 
Berenice Run 59m        
Dan MTB 40m 
MhairiRun 1h 9m
NiallMTB 1h 4m 
Paul Run 52m
ScoobyRun 60m 
Simon MTB 1h 35m 
SuzyMTB 53m