AGM and Annual Gathering (Mar 2018)

Friday 9 March 2018

Another year has flown by, and the committee couldn’t quite believe it when the time came to arrange another Annual Gathering.

elected The Steeple in Dundee’s city centre as our venue – bright,
spacious, and, most importantly, a mere minute’s walk from our local

On the night, we spent time looking back at the year’s meets
thanks to a inspiring and hilarious slideshow from Bill, and gained a
better understanding of what our membership fees fund from Allan.

elected a new committee, went through the constitution, and once the
important bits were over, settled down to home-cooked meal and the odd

The DMC Awards, Photography Competition and Summit-To-Sea
video were well-received, and we left with new-found inspiration for
adventures ahead.


Best Chef: Paulina and Ilze

Most Active: Andrew H

Worst Nav: Katrina (yeah, thanks guys)

Ditch The Car: Dave

Photography Competition winner: Jim (again!)

The new Run-DMC Committee for 2018/2019 is as follows:

Pete Mann – President

Dominic Williams – Vice President

Allan McCulloch – Treasurer

Amy Gilligan – Meets Secretary

Andrew Holmes – General Secretary

Paulina Plociniczak – Membership Secretary

Katrina Patrick – Social Secretary

Many thanks to Outgoing President, Berenice Hunter, who has been an incredible leader these past two years.

  • Katrina

See photos from the evening in our album