Arrochar day trip (Feb 2023)

Saturday 25 February 2023

A day trip to the Arrochar Alps means a very early start from Dundee – the 5:30 alarm was painful on a Saturday morning but it’s always more fun getting up for a day in the hills than for a day at work, eh? We all converged in the car park at Arrochar and decided on several routes. Some people would head round to Rest and Be Thankful, some straight up Beinn Narnain and the rest taking the ziggy zaggy path up between that and The Cobbler. At the fork in the path the group forked again, into a Cobbler party and a Beinn Ime party.

We must have all summitted our respective hills at the same time, in fact getting the binoculars out confirmed it. The weather was perfect, blue skies, little fluffy clouds, no wind, and magnificent views – you could see all the way to Ailsa Craig. The only disappointment was no snow at all, very odd for February. Some amazing icicles though. The Narnain group did a bit of scrambling, as did the Cobbler group who all made it through the eye of the needle and onto the small rocky top. A fantastic day out and worth the drive!

See the photos in the club album.

  • Report by Andrew