23-25 January 2015
Despite the low-lying snow the Friday drive to the hut was a lot easier than last year. Once inside the cosy cabin we stoked the stove and made plans for Saturday. Roughly an even split between people wanting to walk and people wanting to ski-tour, with a couple of winter climbers added in for good measure. Greg reports on the walkers’ trip: An entertaining day, the drive up the Glen Road from Newtonmore was snowy and progress was thwarted by a car stuck and putting on snow chains. So that was that – No momentum and we had to park there and then, Walking up the road was fine but it was a battle with the snow getting up to ~700m on the right side of the Allt a Chaorain, Great sunny views at times mixed with windy bursts & spindrift. At 1pm we turned around but managed to bag Creag an Lóin on the way back, getting the car back on the road rounded off a good day out. The ski tourers enjoyed Lurcher’s Gully in the Cairngorms and the climbers managed three good routes. Back at the hut the sauna turned out to be unnecessary as the stove put out so much heat! Sadly maybe too much heat, for the snow melted overnight dashing our hopes for some cross-country skiing.