Dundee Mountain Ceilidh (Sep 2019)

A Mountainous Ceilidh!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who attended our Dundee Mountain Ceilidh 2019!

Together we sang, ate and danced the night away on the HMS Unicorn to raise funds for Tayside Mountain Rescue Association.

A grand total of £1335.18 was handed over to rescue team member Paul Russell to support the rescue team’s Replacement Vehicle Project 2019.

The £40,000 project is nearly at its target thanks to efforts of our club, other fundraising efforts and public donations.

As a mountain club we are well aware of how vital the rescue associations are, and we were delighted to raise so much to help TMR get their new vehicles.

Special thanks to everyone who manned our on-board bar, collected raffle prizes, decorated the ship or helped out in anyway to make this fantastic ceilidh such a great success.

Anyone – no matter how experienced you are – can get into trouble on the hills. The rescue services are on call 24/7, so it was great to give something back.

As well as search and rescue missions, Tayside Mountain Rescue Association provides training and equipment for team members, who are all volunteers for the local area.

On January 14, Paul Russell of Tayside Mountain Rescue Association will give a talk on Avalanche Awareness as part of our Winter Skills event – more info coming soon!