Dundee Mountain Film Festival (Nov 2014)

28th – 29th November 2014

Jon, Hazel, Berenice, Bill and a whole bunch of volunteers

It was that time again, the annual Dundee Mountain Film Festival, the longest running mountain film festival in the UK. Club members are always dependable film-goers but we are more than that when it comes to this festival. As well as a myriad of mountain sports films shown over three days the event also hosts publicity stalls including mountain sports clubs, charities and retail merchandisers. The DMC has become a regular fixture amongst them with its illustrious display. This year, on the Friday afternoon, a few of us set up the DMC’s display, which involved video, a huge photo backdrop, and sports equipment generously lent by club members. The stall was then manned throughout the festival by more keen club members talking to numerous inquisitive visitors, handing out leaflets and freebie boxes of goodies. If the lengthy list of interested parties is anything to go by – it was a very successful event reflecting everyone’s hard work. Of course, after packing up on the last night, where is the best place to end up – the pub!

— Bill Chrystal