Falkland Mountain Biking (Apr 2013)

Saturday 20th April 2013

Dan and I went to Falkland’s downhill trails on a sunny Saturday to see how hardcore we really were! Not very, it turned out, as some of the stuff built in that little wood is completely and utterly mental.

We did well, though – scoped a lot of it, bottled some of it, but rode a lot, too, and pushed our boundaries a fair bit. Got the bruises to prove it! Our first run had us triple-checking everything out before we rode it and then psyching ourselves up for it, before we ran it all in one go the 2nd time and linked it all up. Really satisfying to push yourself to do new things and try stuff that properly scares you.

We did also find it pretty funny to eavesdrop on a “I’ll do it if you do it” conversation some ten-year-olds were having that pretty much sounded exactly like a conversation we’d had only minutes before. Some things never change.

I went again on Sunday, and enjoyed it even more  (although only my fat stomach prevented me from getting a broken rib when I careered into a tree) and we’ll definitely keep on going back to test ourselves!

Maybe not on that road gap behind Dan in the pic just yet, though, but give us time…

Meet report by Alex Corlett

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