Hogmanay in Glen Etive (Dec 2012)

DMC spent Hogmanay in a hut in Glen Etive. The weather forecast had been very poor and indeed on the drive west the rain was torrential and the Falls of Dochart very impressive. On reaching Glencoe it cleared giving members the chance to walk some of the West Highland Way and climb Beinn a’Chrulaiste for perfect views of the glen, the Mamores and Rannoch Moor. Then we all settled into the hut for an evening of fun and games. All except the intrepid Jim who ventured into the dark, wet forest, torch in mouth, to fix the water supply. A game of Scottish Quest went down as well as the whisky, although unfairly Jim got the raw deal with all the hard questions about solicitors while Berenice had to know if cheese is eaten with oatcakes! Come midnight everyone toasted the new year with plenty of bubbly and Andrew first-footed with some Shetland peat for the stove. The next morning was lovely and after a leisurely breakfast we all set off down the glen and up Beinn Trilleachan. Vilma enjoyed chasing snowballs so much she slept like a cat in front of the fire all evening. Thanks to Brodie, Iona and Murdo for the fantastic hand-drawn meet report!

More photos can be seen in the Hogmanay photo album