Kinnoull Hill Mountain Biking (Mar 2013)

Sunday 31st March 2013

Kinnoull Hill is fast becoming my favourite spot for local riding, with plenty of singletrack and an excellent bike park, but mechanical demons seem to follow me on every visit there and Easter Sunday was no exception!

Hilary and I met in the Jubilee Car Park and headed up Kinnoull first. The ground was a little soft and snowy, but we persevered – the view from the top is always worth it.

Descending off the back, I slid on a patch of snow and fell off. Sad to say that when I got back up my front wheel was Pringle-shaped, as per pic, and I had no choice but to walk back to the van. Hilary very kindly kept me company!

Pit stop for a wheel change, after which we headed up into Deuchny Woods. Hilary’s legs gave out and she headed back to the car, and I got in a snowy couple of laps on the bike park before retiring for the day as well.

Always good to get out, but let’s hope spring and clear trails aren’t far away…

Report by Alex Corlett