Meall an t-Seallaidh and Creag Mac Ranaich (Aug 2017)

19th August 2017

With the planned bothy meet no longer going ahead two of us decided to make best use of the weekend and climb some more local hills.  Early sunshine in Dundee caused me to pack sun cream which of course meant that by the time we had reached lochearnhead for the start of the walk it had started to rain.  The short shower passed and so we set for a target of two Corbett’s behind Lochearnhead.  Some initial route finding difficulty/ exploring a nice viaduct we found the good track heading up to a high pass between the hills.

Early birghtness over Loch Earn.

The first summit of the day was a foreboding craggy hill to the right.  Allan, not yet a seasoned Corbett bagger, was disappointed about the lack of a path but we found a way up the steep grassy slope not problem.  There was an increasing amount of rain by the time we reached the summit but no cloud leaving us with some views.  A sheltered out of the wind spot was found for lunch before we continued to the second peak.  This looked more inviting but ongoing rain meant we didn’t hang around at the summit.  A short clamber down lead up back to the track and we were able to retrace our steps out to reach the car in time for some early evening sunshine.

Report by Dom

The view from the summit