New Moon Treasure Hunt (Feb 2019)

Wed 6th February 2019

… and on a night-time adventure off we go …  secret location, dark – without moon light, high chances of rain or minus degrees with ice, you never know what you will get with Scottish weather….

After being lost in couple of turns, our Team 3 (Paulina, Bruce C and I) have managed to find all 4 treasure points and took a second place at the final destination, reaching Summit within estimated time. We were following clues that included general directions, cardinal directions with precise metre directions and map reading skills. Finding little treasure treats, such as love heart sweets, oatcakes, raisins and Christmas chocolates has kept our spirits up.  Have to say that despite all the fun on the way, seeing distant torch lights up at the summit was like a victory for our team work – Number 3.

During this event, I came across several realisations:

That an electrician skill of step- metre measurement comes quite handy and are quite frankly accurate

No matter how many compasses you might have, sometimes a compass tends to mislead and show several different points of NORTH

To find some of the treasures you must look harder and got to trust common sense that you are at the right spot

That a Kissing Gate exists: “small gate hung in a U- or V-shaped enclosure, letting one person through at a time”, “the first person to pass through would have to close the gate to the next person, providing an opportune moment to demand a kiss in return for entry”.

Bonding with teammates and having a laugh is an essential

Long legs get you moving faster

Quite a few people would love to brush up on their navigation skills

This was the second year when Amy and Dom have organised amazing DMC Treasure hunt, brilliant idea to get people lost in the woods and hills 😉 Looking forward for the next one – 2020!

  • report by Ilze