Switzerland Powder Skiing (Feb 2013)

Sunday 10th – Saturday 16th February 2013

Jon and I had a fantastic week of off piste powder skiing and short ski tours in Switzerland, on a course with ISM . There had just been a massive dump of powder when we arrived, and plenty more snow fell whilst we were there. The temperature stayed cold too, so conditions were ideal for powder skiing. We soon discovered however that skiing powder isn’t as easy as the Warren Miller films make it look – certainly not when you’re only used to Scottish snow anyway! After spending a lot of the first day falling over and swimming around in deep powder trying to find our skis again we did gradually start to learn how to fall over less, thanks to lots of instruction from our guide! The week involved several short ski tours in the Leysin/Diablerets area and some lift-accessed off piste too. By the end of the week we were pretty tired and sore but were beginning to get the hang of the powder, actually managing to make a few descents without falling over! We rounded the week off with a relaxing sunny day on the pistes of Leysin before taking the train back to Geneva Airport…

  • Hazel Bowyer

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