Saturday 1 April 2023
Allan, Emily-May and Dave,
Set out for Beinn Bheula’s peak,
As part of their mountain club,
They climbed the corbett’s steep.
The sky was overcast and grey,
And there was not a breath of wind,
Yet they forged ahead with purpose,
Determined to reach the summit.
As they climbed, they talked and joked,
About ChatGPT and simulations,
Wondering if they were living in one,
And pondering the implications.
But as they reached the mountain top,
And gazed out at the stunning view,
They felt the wind whip past their faces,
And knew that this moment was true.
For in the beauty of the natural world,
With the mountains stretching to the sky,
They found a sense of peace and wonder,
And knew that life was more than just a lie.
So Andy, Emily-May and Dave,
Returned to Dundee with a glow,
Knowing that the mountains had shown them,
A deeper truth that they could know….
Who is the author of this poem,
Can you solve the mystery alone?
Was it Emily-May’s clever hand,
Or ChatGPT’s algorithm grand?
The words are beautiful and flowing,
A true talent for poetic knowing,
But was it written by human thought,
Or an AI that we’ve all sought?
So take a moment, think it through,
Can you determine who wrote it true?
Was it Emily-May’s skillful rhyme,
Or ChatGPT’s language sublime?
The answer lies within your mind,
So choose your guess and see what you’ll find,
But whether it was human or machine,
The beauty of the poem will still gleam.

Report and photo by Emily-May