Ben Lawers (Feb 2024)

Saturday 24 February 2024

Five of us set off one way to traverse Tarmachan Ridge, whilst the other four headed off in the opposite direction to tick off Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers.

The weather was absolutely fantastic with hardly a puff of wind but the Ben Lawers party probably had the best of the day being just that little bit higher and above the clouds.

We all arranged to meet in the Schiehallion Bar in Aberfeldy afterwards for food and drinks, and fortuitously the Calcutta Cup too!

Great day out – DMC isn’t just about the full weekend trips: look out for posts on Discord about walking, climbing and many other activities….

  • Report by David Matthews

This meet was so good we have a second report!

Having organised and then embarked on a day meet, we learned that the DMC constitution clearly states that there are no Day Meets… hmmmm. The outing was swiftly renamed the Andrew Holmes Ben Lawers Meet and we set off from the car park in two groups. Five had opted for the Tarmachan Ridge, 4 of us (Andrew – injured knee, Niall – injured ankle(s), Moritz – fit and healthy, myself – rather on the unfit side) for the slightly less adventurous Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers.

But we had the last laugh: The gloomy weather forecast did not bear out and after leaving under low clouds, we emerged onto the summits in beautiful sunshine which lasted pretty much all day, and a great 360 degree view! Probably should have brought sun screen. Even an impressive Brocken spectre also made an appearance.

Slow going, we still managed to catch up with the other group for dinner in The Schiehallion, Aberfeldy, after which we trundled home again. Another great day out and two more Munros ticked off.

  • Report by Heinke