Bridge of Orchy Christmas Meet (Dec 2023)

Friday 8 – Sunday 10 December 2023

Amazing turnout for the ‘traditional’ Christmas Meet. The weekend prior had been really cold and frosty but we had to put up with some dreich remnants of that cold snap, which in turn drew us to pub, fire, warmth and good craic, all the ingredients for a classic weekend, oh plus some cold water swimming – not sun-club weather though….

Mountains were climbed nearby and in the Coe, a pint or two then back for a Christmas Meal to rival any we’ve done before – Dave and sous-chefs excelled themselves with so many trimmings we barely dented the Turkey Crowns… I still have some Turkey Curry in my freezer….

I’m pleased to say Santa forgave last years indiscretions and made an appearance – hosting the DMC quiz with Mrs Claus, I can’t recall who won but it’s always contentious, so long you don’t drive home with a 3ft wooden spoon you have succeeded… Questions included the naming of Santa’s original reindeer, which does not of course include Rudolph, but we had rather eliminated him from consideration 12 months prior….

A lazy wet day Sunday beckoned, some kayakers enjoying the Awe, a further refreshing swim for others and a slow wander back home, ‘low-level’ being the theme. Cracking wknd – we may try a different venue, but the people make it what it is.

  • Report by Iain