Thirty spruced-up members of DMC gathered in Laings to celebrate Robert Burns in traditional fashion with haggis, neeps and tatties plus a wee dram of Talisker. Paul, who organised the event, did a great job of MCing and guiding us through the programme. Mhairi brought Burns’ address To A Haggis to life with her reading and ceremonial stabbing – the gushing entrails were thoroughly trenched. A kilted Jim then gave the address to the lassies in the form of a “sandwich”, a perfect combination of charm and spicy filler.
DMC members Alex, Mhairi and Paul, inspired by Burns, penned their own poems on DMC themes. Alex’s A Winter’s Night celebrated Niall’s Strathpuffer endurance in the rhythm of Burns. Paul’s ditty summed up a week in DMC’s life, capturing how the club inspires people to adventure not just at the weekend but on every night of the week. Mhairi’s To A Mutt was a touching personal poem about the companionship of her doggie, Scoobie, whose crazy antics we all enjoy. All three poems can be seen in the photo album. Pete did more than recite McGonagall’s Tay Bridge poem, he acted it out in dramatic fashion.
The evening’s activities continued with a quiz in place of the traditional To The Immortal Memory organised by Berenice. Eight teams were tested on their knowledge of Burns, their creativity and the entertainment value of reciting To A Mouse. Rosana won the latter with her passionate interpretation, scoring the highest on the clapometer. In Round 5 teams invented new Scots words, some of the best being shingfottle, an epic wipe-out/fall from a bike; ringin muchtie, the experience of hill-walking on a wet day in Scotland; clartastic, enjoyably muddy; fitboag, half time pie. All teams did so well that the final score had to be decided by a tie-break. Aweigh Inch Height were pipped at the post by Team Undecided. Irn Bru and Tunnocks Tea cakes all round for the winners. The final scores were:
Undecided 23
Aweigh Inch Height 23
Wallace’s Pies 20
A Scot, an Englishman, a Romanian and a Dane all Walk into a Pub 20
Crouching Nun Hidden Cucumber 16
Team Hazel 14
Team Otter 13
Team Kilt 11
Photos can be seen in the club photo album
Some more examples of the teams’ creativity at inventing new Scots words:
Fingoolie – potential frostbite to testicles
Tibbled – still drunk next morning
Brifershie – dodgy food but you’re so hungry you still eat it
Selfie – frae near Selkirk
Onesie – single person flat
Maccy Dees – A healthy ’rounded’ meal
Twerkin’ – two people working together
Obspliferated – stoned, very
Shooshit – fast
Kuruffle – caress
Weenutters – Mountain bikers
Cragwhackie – Redpoint
Beilerplatie pistie – Boilerplate skiing
Shitehawk – Seagull
Eejitman – Drug-fuelled ned
Sugarcrispy – Mars Bar supper
For those of you who weren’t sure of the answers the key is:
nappy – ale
blellum – idle fellow
towzie – shaggy
duddies – clothes
creeshie – greasy
rigwoodie – lean, ancient
fyke – fuss
byke – bee hive
The correct line order for the poem Red, Red Rose is:
O, my luve is like a red, red rose,
That’s newly sprung in June.
O, my luve is like a melodie,
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I,
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi the sun!
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only luve!
And fare thee weel, a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho it were ten thousand mile!