Creag na h-Eighe (Jun 2022)

Thursday 2 June 2022

Hoping for good weather a few DMCers headed off to Creag na h-Eighe crag near Dunkeld to practice our trad climbing skills (trad climbing involves placing your own protection on the way up).

It all started well with four of us tackling Grant’s Route (VD) just to get warmed up. But by the time we finished that a large rain cloud was looming just down the valley and it looked like we were in for a deluge. We almost thought about packing up and running away until Iain and Andy turned up, declared “it’ll be fine” and headed up Separation (VS). So, back to it…

Next up Jugs Direct (VS): a very stiff overhang followed by easier but enjoyable terrain to the top. Then Gaëlle had her go at leading, ticking off Woodworm (VD) very easily. By now, I had to be back in Dundee so we headed off, leaving Andy and Iain halfway up Just a Pech (HVS). Let’s hope they made it to the top…

  • Report by David Matthews