Dunkeld Climbing (Apr 2022)

Saturday 16 April 2022

Our first big climbing trip of 2022 saw nine of us heading to Polney Crag at Dunkeld to see if we could remember how to trad climb (trad climbing = placing your own protection on the way up). For many this was their first trip to Dunkeld and everyone enjoyed the day.

Nick and Anna started off with an audacious ascent of Holly Tree Groove, leaving several bits of gear on the route to mark their passage. Richard, Hedda and Heinke followed up, adding to the accumulation of stuck gear on the route!

Meanwhile, David got nervous inching his way up Kestrel Crack and Gaëlle had some practice at leading.
Simon and Andy were off doing ‘proper’ climbs, ticking off Piker’s Progress Direct (HVS) amongst others.
To finish the day David, Simon and Gaëlle launched a gear rescue mission up Holly Tree Groove and successfuly extracted all the bits and bobs (well done Simon).

Beers in Dunkeld’s Taybank Bar were a fitting way to finish a spectacular day.

  • Report by David Matthews