Ratagan Youth Hostel (April 2022)

Our first trip to this venue did not disappoint particularly as we’d booked it for sole usage ! Club members and some of my guests made up a party of 24. Saturdays plans were dominated by my aim to climb my final Corbett, Aonach Buidhe, via a cycle up the enchanting Glen Elchaig and saw 22 of the troop joined by malky_c battling against the stiff easterly breeze up to Iron Lodge (sadly found trashed).

In the midst of a lurgy I’d picked up, I slowly made the summit accompanied by Dave & sherpa Clinch whilst everyone else had gamboled up via a differing route patiently awaiting my arrival and some more dependable sunshine. After celebrations with cake and plum vodka prosecco cocktails most headed back for the bikes and an easy rattle back down the glen (Iain departing to do Carnan Cruithneachd en route). Meanwhile, Allan & Richard added the other two nearby Corbetts.

Back at the hostel we all enjoyed 3 course meals prior to withdrawing to the common room for games, imbibement and a sing-song (we were well out of practice). Sunday saw a party on the Forcan Ridge and other local tops were climbed. Overall, a splendid weekend !


Cheers !!