Glen Brittle Campsite (May 2022)

Friday 13 – Monday 15 May 2022

It was Glen Briitle campsite in Skye for DMC’s May meet with club members and guests attending. Jim and I arrived on Friday evening and went up Bla Beinn(Blaven) before heading to the campsite after dark.

On Saturday morning we met up with the others to discuss our various plans for the day. Paul H, Simon, Maddy, Adrian, Noemie and Gaelle went to Sgurr an Fheadain. Greg and Dervla Went up The Storr. Jim and I did Sgurr a’ Mhadaidh, Sgurr a’ Chreadaidh and Sgurr Na Banachdich. Though visibility was poor towards the summits a good day was had by all and talked about back at Greg’s cosy Pod at the back of his caravan.

On Sunday Simon and Maddy went climbing and did Sgurr Alastair via Arrow Route on the Cioch. Paul H, Gaelle, Adrian and Noemie headed of to Sgurr Dearg. Greg headed of to do Beinn a’ Bhraghad while Alex and Dervla headed of to visit the fairy pools. Jim and I did Sgurr Dubh Mor and Sgurr Nan Eag.

Once again it was back to the Cox’s Pod for some food and a wee tipple. We were joined by Chimed and Marina.

On Monday Simon and Maddy headed of to Talisker Bay while Chimed and Marina went for a walk up the corrie to the Inaccessible Pinnacle.

Great weekend was had by all.

  • Report by Paul George Kinghorn

6 members & 5 guests enjoyed a fusion of mixed weather, activities & social. We have a hut for next year!

  • Greg