Kinnoull Hill (Oct 2014)

29 October 2014

Hectic race seasons for Niall and Dan has resulted in a very late start to the “Logan’s Run” * season on the Mountain Bikes, but after going to watch Dan racing in the Fair City Enduro Suzy and Niall were enthused enough to kick start the night riding season.

Dan showed the group the new trail cut specially for the enduro and then Niall spotted a previously unknown to them route called the “Deuchny Cliff Run”, a narrow trail clinging to the side of Deuchny hill that spits you out onto the Bike Park before covering as many of the known trails as energy would allow.

We were all in agreement that night riding had to return to being a regular event, with the next ride already planned.

Riding tonight were: Niall, Dan, Daniela, Mike, Suzy.

  • Logan’s run ” is a film set in the future involving an indicator that eventually “turns red” indicating a persons time is up, The majority of bike lights use a traffic light system to indicate battery life and when they “turn red” it’s time to either change battery or finish the ride.

  • Niall