Loch Ossian Youth Hostel (Jul 2023)

Friday 14 – Sunday 16 July 2023

There are limited ways to get to Scotland’s most remote train station, Corrour, but between the DMC attendees – I think we covered them all!

Some drove to Rannoch Station and caught the train north, some drove to Tulloch and caught the train south, some biked in and some walked in from the east over several Munros. Some even flew all the way from New Zealand!

Slowly but surely we all arrived at Corrour for a meal at the excellent Station House, also Scotland’s most remote restaurant with rooms – thanks to Ruth for organising.

It was fantastic to see former member Titch and her partner Bernard who were visiting Scotland and caught the train in to join us for dinner.

After waving them off and making the short toddle down the track (thank goodness as the rain and wind had picked up) we were at our home for the weekend – Loch Ossian Youth Hostel, perched right on the shore.

The weather forecast was a bit pants, but we were well prepared and headed out the next morning to conquer the nearby hills.

I was especially pleased to summit Carn Dearg and Sgur Choinnich – my first post-knee injury Munros – with Paulina, which takes my little tally to 141, halfway!

Elsewhere, Corbetts and Munros were climbed and the loch was swum in.

We returned, happy but soaking, to a rather tasty tofu dinner from Sandy, and – for some of us – a neck rub from the hostel manager!

Sunday brought more showers, but more hills were bagged, the loch was swum in again, and the Station House was eaten out of home-baking by the time we boarded the last train home.

The weather’s what you make it, and it could do nothing to dampen the spirits of DMC. Epic weekend. 🙂

  • Report by Katrina