Sunday 19 Feb 2017
Three A’s and a B. My last visit to Loch Ordie was in the dark on a mountain bike as training for Relentless24 – highlights being the mud and the aurora. What a contrast this time – despite being mid-winter, the sun was out and it was warm. It’s a lovely route for running (and biking!) past wee fishing lochs with a different view round each corner. Berenice had a shorter route and slower pace planned so hung back to let the three A’s (Amy, Andrew and Allan) race off. However by the time we’d run round the far side of Loch Ordie Berenice was seen just across the water. She had extended her plan, forgetting that her route involved a stiff climb on the way back. Our route round the far side of Deuchary Hill led us through plenty of bog which cooled our hot feet until finally the climbing was over and we could descend almost all the way back. The final distance was not much short of a half marathon for all of us. A good training run for Amy’s Glencoe Marathon ambition and a tad more than the usual amount for the rest of us.