Midsummer Camping Meet, Killin (Jun 2014)

The promise of sunshine lured a bunch of intrepid DMCers to
brave the hazards of the Scottish summer and pitch their tents in the scenic
glen below Ben Lawers.  Bruce kindly
volunteered to be chief midge entertainer, sponsored by Avon.  They feasted heartily on his super soft skin,
leaving the rest of us alone much of the time.

Saturday saw 9 of us venturing up into the mist in search of said sunshine, and we were rewarded with occasional glimpses of blue sky for the first 2 munros, then the cloud cleared and the views opened up for the rest of the day, taking in 5 altogether along the main section of the Ben Lawers ridge. Having worked up a good appetite, we returned to the campsite for BBQ and banter into the night.

Meanwhile, Berenice, Andrew, Jon & Hazel went for a fairly epic bike ride round to Glen Lyon and back via Glen Lochay.

Arriving at the campsite we set about erecting tents and
lighting fires to dissuade midges from enjoying a feast.  This didn’t stop the SAS putting in a visit
every time the wind dropped.   BBQs were
lit and most fared well with a small mountain of food being cooked and devoured
after the active day in the sunshine. 
With much banter and laughter the evening progressed with the name game
and a few summertime drinks to end a fantastic day in the mountains.

Sunday morning and we set off again to conquer the remaining
2 munros on the Lawers ridge. The path soon disappeared and so we slogged on up
the steep grassy slopes onto the ridge (possibly not on the recommended path-
sorry guys). Lovely views prevailed at the top and we were able to photograph
the route we had done on the previous day. Descending through bog, we
eventually got back to the car and off home for a soak in the bath and to
assess the midge damage!

For more photos have a look at: http://www.yogile.com/dmc-2014-06-20#11m