Raeburn Hut Meet (Jan 2018)

26-28 January 2018

Friday morning was blue skies with a pink glow on the snowy hills in the morning light. Multiple photo stops made for a late start at the top of Glen Roy where I had my eye on the 2 Carn Deargs to the north of the road end. I went for the remoter of them first and the snow was hard going above 600m. I didn’t summit until 15.30 slowed by the now white-out conditions. The 2nd hill was out the question so I retraced my steps in the fading light.

The forecast for Saturday was strong winds with a 4-5 hour “dry” window. Group trips were taken to Meall Cunaich, Geal Charn and Meall a Bhuachaille with Allan and myself doing solo trips on The Fara and Meall nan Eagan. The rivers where racing with snow melt and sadly I didn’t have my pop up canoe for the return leg!

On the Saturday night we enjoyed a Burns Supper with Katrina addressing the haggis in great style! Amy made a lovely version of Cranachan. The weather on Sunday proved the better with many folk out for a run or low level walk.

  • Report by Greg