A weekend in the snow (Jan 2018)

Sun 21 January 2018 – Sidlaws run

With the threat of more weather coming in Sunday morning seemed like a
good opportunity to go for a local hillrun. Amy and Paul set off to jog
over the three Sidlaws by Balkello. Not feeling quite so fit I decided
just to join them for the first two. Great morning out.

  • David Matthews

  • Other runners: Amy, Paul

Sat 20 January 2018

Ben Ghlas Ski Tour

With huge dumps of snow across much of Scotland down to low levels and a good forecast on a Saturday no less, a ski tour was mandatory. Jon and Paul headed up Ben Ghlas, enjoying some spectacular scenery and great conditions. See photo album

Nevis Range

Meanwhile Dave and Jim were out at Nevis Range making the most of the conditions there…

Loch Ordie snow MTB

Hello DMC,

This is a postcard from Loch Ordie, just in case you
thought that was a muddy and grey place, with easy tracks. It isn’t
(well at least today it definitely wasn’t).

Love, Canyon (Daniela’s bike)