The Lomonds (Jan 2022)

Thu 27 January 2022

Lunchtime is underrated for getting a hill in, usually I’d take in a lap of the village when working from home or a loop of Baxter Park or the Swannie Ponds if I’m in the office in my normally minimal 30 minutes.

But today, I had an hour to burn and the bluebird skies were all the temptation needed.

I was out the door as soon as the village clock struck 12 and 10 minutes later I was hauling my boots on in the Purin Den carpark regretting not thinking of it earlier and seeing if anyone wanted to join me.

I wasn’t the only one with this idea as I powerwalked past some dog walkers early on when I was feeling the time pressure but I needn’t have worried, it’s only 12 minutes to the top by the direct route and 16 back.
The views are worth it, I can even (just) see my house from there.

I returned to a much busier car park with just enough time to get back down the road and sort myself out for an afternoon on Teams.

  • Report by Niall