Glenshee (Feb 2022)

Saturday 19 February 2022

Renowned climber Graeme Ettle wrote a book titled ‘Chasing the Ephemeral’ in respect of Scottish Winter Climbing but in a winter like this, especially on the East Coast, you can equally apply to any activity involving snow.. A brief lull between storms afforded a pleasant short day – first on skis this winter – with snow down to 200m and blue skies the promise was good. Still a largely superficial thin cover with little if any base and windscoured N and W facing slopes. Knowing Glenshee ski centre was still very limited we chose a south facing hollow below Carn nan Sac, me on my faithful 30yr old Nordic’s and Nick with some shiny new touring gear. A pleasant skin up and few turns on the way down along with the peculiarly scottish delights of breaking through the crust to the heather beneath, and the signature scrape of stone on ski. Just enough to keep you wanting back for more! Dom & Amy had some similar fun try their nordic gear up in nearby Glen Taitneach.

  • Report by Iain