Tulliemet Trad Climbing (Sep 2022)

Sunday 11 Septber 2022

It’s definitely turning autumnal, but warm enough yet for a great day’s cragging out at Tulliemet. A new crag for both Nick and Heinke, they both enjoyed the short easy routes on offer.

Highlights of the day included Rabbit Run, a wide classic Vdiff Chimney, Nick’s audacious ascent of Heather Wall and, in what seems to be a DMC trend, getting a cam stuck and spending ages freeing it!

There were still quiet a few midges around, so perhaps summer isn’t quite over yet….

  • Report by David Matthews

Taking advantage of the dry autumnal weather the three of us (Dave, Nick, Heinke) set out for Creag na h-Eighe for a day’s trad climbing. And what a great day we had!

The weather held until just about 4 o-clock and we managed 5 or 6 routes each, ranging from vdiff to severe 4a. Under expert tuition I got my first try at belaying and Dave and Nick took turns to lead.

With the drizzle setting in and against better judgment, we decided on “one last route”… Jaggy Bunnets, a severe 4a, which the boys managed admirably (with hackling from me and a jammed cam). I was persuaded, and with encouragement and helpful hints from both, Dave and Nick – and a blunt refusal from Dave to lower me back down – I finished with a lot of swearing, hesitation and muscle cramp, but a perfectly executed “sortie baleine” (merci à Gaëlle pour un mot merveilleux!).

  • Report by Heinke Pulhorn