Canyoning (Aug 2022)

Saturday 3 September 2022

It was a dry but overcast day. We dressed top to toe in neoprene, selected foot wear to finish the ensemble and piled into minibuses, bruar bound. After a short walk up hill we were briefed, tested, and literally took the plunge starting with a bold 7ft dive into a dark pool.

We paddled, slid, jumped and lowered into the most inaccessible pools, accompanied by whoops and giggles of delight as water cascaded from above. The highlight for some was the high level traverse before a rock slide into free fall and the inevitable submersion.

After about 2hrs of adventure it was time to get out and back to base for hot chocolate and dry clothes.

It’s safe to say everyone loved it, with high praise and smiles all round. All were impressed by the trip and is keen to go again… So watch this space for part two and for some more very wet Canyoning.

  • Report by Paul