Knoydart (May 2016)

27 May 2016


boat trip with a bar, perfect

sunshine and sea breeze, sunburn?

stroll past bar to bothy, pitstop

beautiful valley, tranquil

bothy sleeping, noway

midnight departure, raining

2am summit and wet feet, squelching

ridge traverse in torch light, exciting

first sunlight, 5.30am.

col descent and home, no way!

another munro, lets go

up and over in sunshine, perfect

lunch and a wee rest, dozing

ridge descent and here comes mike, no wheels

trench foot setting in, painful

sock change no 4, relief

time for bed 2pm, earplugs

curry scoff and wine, sleepy

lazy start and beach stroll, sunshine

lunch and paddle, sand in toes, smiles

rope swing and awesome view, hidden

stroll to pub and Belgian landlord, twat!

late ferry but who cares, cider

chip shop and toilet dash, carpark

driving home and birdsong, chatting

unpack, to bed, snoring!

  • Paul Higginson

See the club photo album