Oban mid-summer camping (Jun 2016)

18th June 2016

fill car with kit, tetris

away we go in the rain, sun bound

food and toilets, Tesco

pitch the tent, midges

early night, knackered

up and watered, early

waiting to go, ages!

woodland ravine, climbing

up to loch and wooden style, wobble

up the damn and man ladder, progress

sandwich found, squishy

grassy track in sunshine, breeze

col and rest, then go, midges!

rocky direct line scramble, summit

lunch and rest, view

rocky ridgy and fun times, smiles

summit rest and sunbathe, burning

descent and water, yearning

down to loch and tunnel entrance…. another time!

On to signage, 24!

titchy bridge and rust, balance

fern descent and back to car, ticks

bbq and shower time, clean

wine and burgers, party

fire pit and giggles, cartwheels

Late start no midges, happy

ferry to catch and sunshine, running

offroad and summit target, challenge

fast descent and ferms, fun

tea shop and bothy, potty

castle and ramparts, wild camp!!!

Berenice chase the ferry, running

nipple chaffe and sweat, strip

ferry boat and dog, cooling

chocolate shop indulgence, diet

car bound to return, dozing

back for tea, yum.

  • Paul Higginson

See the club photo album