Trip to Narnia (Nov 2013)

Sunday 24th November 2013

Well, almost… Beinn Narnain to be more precise – and it’s neighbouring Munro, Beinn Ime, above Arrochar. Although there were no witches or wardrobes, there were early signs of a winter wonderland once you got higher up – plenty of snow and ice and some beautiful views. The sun didn’t come out as much as we’d hoped, but the clear crisp air, great visibility and total absence of any wind more than made up for that.

Justyna, Alec, Hazel and myself set off from Dundee, meeting Jim, Sarah and Iona at Arrochar at 9:30 (they were coming from Glasgow) . We all headed up to the Narnain Boulders together at which point Jim & co continued straight for Beinn Ime whilst the rest of us diverted straight up to the ridge between Cruach nam Misag and Beinn Narnain before traversing Narnain from east to west. This eastern side of Beinn Narnain was the best part of the day – quiet and interesting with plenty of rock and ice to keep us entertained. Beinn Ime on the other hand was a bit of a trudge up open slopes of grass, heather and snow, but the summit was beautiful with a good covering of snow and outstanding views to the north. All in all a nice early winter walk.

  • Jon Bowyer

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